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Geeky Tattoos Reader Round-Up #2

Greg's Code Tattoos

It’s time to check the mailbox for reader submitted tattoos! First up we’ve got Greg Givan, a programmer who has adorned his wrists with the simple code tags. He says “Not only describes what i do for a living, but helps remind me to live ‘inside’ a personal code as well”.

City of Villans Tattoo

Matthew Glavin sent in his City of Villans tattoo saying ” Played the game for 2 years and though i would Get the Arachnid tattoo till they NERFed the game then quit, but over all it looks awesome no matter how much i dont play anymore lol. most people dont reconize it from COV.”

Tattoo of Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

And finally, Danny Guynn sends in his own University of Maryland hat wearing + G-Unit belt sporting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Michelangelo tattoo. Wow.

Posted in Code, Comics, Reader Tattoos, Tattoos, Video Games.

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