We found the above photo of Zamstrom’s fresh tattoo on his Flickr set via none other than DocPop himself. For those not up to speed in the yo-yo scene, Möbius (Moebius) is a style of yo-yoing invented by Doctor Popular.
I tried to find some videos of this Möbius style to include, but could only find some downloadable mpgs over on The Glass Lab. So here’s a video of Doc Pop just doing what he does best:
Love the Moebius tattoo, happy to see it here.
BTW, I have a tattoo too http://www.flickr.com/photos/docpopular/1573391558/ (and again here http://www.flickr.com/photos/docpopular/3114282443/ ). I sent it to http://www.TotallyAwesomeAndManlyTattoos.com a while ago, but it hasn’t appeared yet.
Oh wow! I had no idea this was posted on here? amazing. Yeah I certainly love my tattoo alot, I pride in what I do. =)