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For Position Only

This one is for you design geeks. Kenny says:

I wanted a tattoo on my forearms but I couldn’t think of what to get so I wrote FPO on one of my arms where the tattoos would go. FPO stands for For Position Only (or For Placement Only) and it’s a design term that basically says an image or empty space is just temporary. It’s still healing a bit so it’s a little flakey.

Posted in Other, Tattoos.

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Audrey’s Nintendo Zappers

Audrey’s Nintendo zappers were done by Andy at Ye Olde Skull in Jackson, MI.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Everybody Loves Pi and Quake

Two classic symbols that every geek should be familiar with. Jörg represents both the gamer geeks and the math geeks.

Posted in Math, Tattoos, Video Games.

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Empire Logo (with Galactic Basic) and WoW Tattoos

Nigel writes:

Hello there. My name is Nigel, and I’m a huge dork/geek.

Now that we have that out of the way, I’ve got two tattoos for you. The first is my newest ink, which is the Galactic Empire logo from Star Wars, complete with my two daughters’ names in Galactic Basic above and below the crest/logo. I wanted to do something that incorporated both, and my wife suggested their names…only I took it a step further with the actual language!

The second is my World of Warcraft Horde/Troll crest on the other forearm. I’m a troll in-game, so I wanted to do something that tied my love of the game in with the “tribal” stylings such as tiki masks and such.

Posted in Movies, Star Wars, Tattoos, Video Games, World of Warcraft.

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Cobra/Decepticons Tattoo

Why did Joe Levee get this Cobra/Decepticons tattoo? He said he felt he needed to increase his “geek cred”. Mission accomplished.

Tattoo by Jen Mayer, Club Tattoo, Tempe, AZ

Posted in Cartoons, Tattoos, TV.

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Hobbes’s Leviathan

Alright Philosophy majors, now is your time to shine. All of those years in school hunkered over text written hundreds of years in the past. Quick, tell me what this is!

If you guessed, Hobbes’s Leviathan, you win a prize! (What is a prize? Do prizes really exist? Reflect on that and get back to me)

Kris Phillips, who you might remember from a post two years ago, is the owner of the half-sleeve you see above. It’s the face-plate from the book Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes. It’s been tweaked just a bit to make it fit, but Scotty-Potty at Exile Tattoo did an awesome job.

Posted in Books, Tattoos.

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Raymond’s Stargate Tattoos

For the past 15 years Raymond Cloud has been watching Stargate. That’s a whole lot of Stargate. He got his first tattoo, the Asgard home planet address, on his arm when he was only 16. A year later he added the Anubis symbol on his shoulder blade.

Posted in Movies, Tattoos, TV.

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Star Trek Communicator Badge

Shannon gives us her best Data impression and shows off her Star Trek communicator badge. She says she has a “flaming Star Trek obsession” and decided to go with this rather than a bow on her shoulder blade. Good choice Shannon, good choice.

Posted in Star Trek, Tattoos, TV.

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An Angry Scott Pilgrim Tattoo

Amy sent in her Lost tattoo last year, but now she’s also got a Scott Pilgrim tattoo to add to her geeky collection.

Posted in Comics, Tattoos.

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A Chewie Tattoo

Drewbacca, err I mean Drew Snyder went to Pete Tieman at Living Canvas Tattoo Studio to get this Chewie Tattoo.

Posted in Movies, Star Wars, Tattoos.

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