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Death of Superman

Remember Ross and his trifecta of super hero tattoos? Well he just added another one, the Death of Superman. Ok maybe not just; his email has been sitting in the Geeky Tattoos inbox since October and I’m finally getting it posted. (Yeah, I’m that backlogged.)

Posted in Comics, Tattoos.

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Scott Pilgrim Leg Sleeve

We posted previous panels, but David’s Scott Pilgrim leg sleeve is now finally complete!

Ink by Kris Leather at Tiki Monkey Tattoos.

Posted in Comics, Tattoos.

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A Portal Tattoo For the Portal 2 Release

Ok, so maybe he didn’t get it for the Portal 2 release, but I’m posting it now because of the Portal 2 release. Also because it’s a Portal tattoo. I can’t wait to see some Portal 2 tattoos now that it’s finally here! (You did pre-order it, right?)

Michael, aka Mike Pants, sent in his calf tattoos with the following explanation:

I thought you might enjoy some more Portal tats to add to your collection. I’d been wanting to get a geek tat for a while but could never think of what I wanted to represent awesome nerdiness. Then Portal came along. Portal arrived during a period of gaming where, for me, NOTHING new was happening, and that game really reignited my love of video games. The fact that the game is peppered with perfectly tattooable icons was a major bonus. When I first had them done, a group of youths were walking behind me trying to figure out what they represented. They finally decided it meant I loved cake and video cameras.

Tattoos done at Fun City Tattoos in the East Village.

Check out the other Portal tattoos I’ve posted.

Posted in Portal, Tattoos, Video Games.

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Death Eater and Life Meter

Heather didn’t give much explanation other than the Zelda hearts were done by Jason Gallo and the Dark Mark was by Maxx242.

Posted in Books, Legend of Zelda, Movies, Tattoos, Video Games.

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A tattoo used chiefly in a coordinating function between major sentence elements

For those that aren’t writing geeks, I’m talking about a semicolon. Sarah writes:

Love your site, but as it’s pretty heavily leaning towards computers and video games, I thought you could use some more tattoos representing other areas of geekdom. Attached, you’ll see the semicolon tattoo I got at Lucky Devil Tattoo in Seattle.

I chose this tattoo because I’m a writer, and I love the semicolon. It’s the one punctuation mark you never really need to use; if you know what you’re doing, however, you can create some really elegant sentences.

The phrase “really elegant sentences” probably reveals a lot about what a writing nerd I am.

My fellow typography nerds may want to know what font I used, and I wanted to have an answer for that. I went through hundreds of fonts, but none had just the right semicolon I pictured in my head. I used Elephant as a base and then resculpted the tail by hand. I was planning to get an interrobang on the other wrist, but now I’m thinking I might go with an ampersand. The one in Elephant is pretty sweet.

Posted in Tattoos.

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Enterprise vs Death Star?

Glitterdovefairy didn’t say what her name was, but she (he?) did attach photos of Death Star and Enterprise tattoos that grace their left shoulder. Ink was done by Kyle at Gargoyle Tattoo in Aberdeen, WA.

Posted in Movies, Star Trek, Star Wars, Tattoos, TV.

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House of Atreides Crest

Kevin writes:

My geeky tattoo is from the Dune series by Frank Herbert. It’s the red hawk House Atreides crest. The movie/miniseries that was made based off the original novel used a different, much lamer interpretation of the crest. I like mine more :) Anyways, the series has influenced me more than any other book series, so I thought it appropriate to get it as my first big tattoo! The Ohm that the wings go around was my first tattoo, not technically part of the House Atreides crest…. but it works. I think Frank Herbert would approve!

I got the tattoo at The Lazy Dragon, which is right outside Fort Leonard Wood, MO. I don’t believe that they have a website yet. If you’re in the area and you like this tattoo, go to the Lazy Dragon and ask for Pat!

Posted in Books, Tattoos.

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Wolfram 2-state, 3-color Turing Machine

This one is for the hardcore CompSci geeks out there. JohnS shows off his impeccably done Wolfram 2-state 3-color Turing machine. Lissa at Sacred Heart Tattoo was the one with the steady hand that inked such a beautiful geeky thing.

Posted in Computers, Tattoos.

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Green Lantern ring tattoo

Cedric, aka Prayer Police, is the one with the Green Lantern logo ring you see above. He says it was the most logical place he could think of getting it done. You have to agree with that.

Tattoo done by Adam at Tatu Tattoo in Chicago.

Posted in Comics, Tattoos.

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Pythagorean Theorem, Hardly Knew Em

It’s a simple tattoo, but oh so important in the world of math. And it’s on a super geek. (He even sent a latexed version of the proof). For those that aren’t familiar, it’s a pictorial proof of the Pythagorean Theorem / Means Inequality.

Here’s Sam’s explanation:

Let a, b and c be the sides of the right triangle. The area of the middle square is clearly c^2. However, that is also the large square ((a+b)^2), removing the four triangles (ab/2 each). Subtracting, you get a^2+b^2.

For the inequality, the big square ((a+b)^2) is larger than the four rectangles (ab each), as the tiny square has area. Taking the square root and dividing gives (a+b)/2 > sqrt{ab}. (Note that when a=b, the square in the middle goes to 0, and we have equality.)

Posted in Math, Tattoos.

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