Hezaa is a graphic artist who works in fashion along with her buddy Maxx242 who does tattoos on the side. He did this Dark Mark tattoo on Hezaa while they watched Star Wars and Better Off Dead. It was Hezaa’s first tattoo. She describes her experience:
This was my first tattoo ever, I was pretty scared but had been wanting it for years. I clutched at his son’s plush SpongeBob as he began, then ten minutes later tossed him to the side and said, “I don’t need you!” I was tweeting as it was happening too. It turned out absolutely perfect and I can’t wait to get more!
Also, I love her shirt.
Posted in Books, Tattoos.
Tagged with arm, Dark Mark, Harry Potter.
By Ed
– January 22, 2011
What do you get when you run a Doctor Who scarf-knitting website and a full size Police Box prop? Obviously this tattoo. Tara Wheeler is the owner of this ink done by Jon Reed at True Blue Tattoos.
Posted in Doctor Who, Tattoos, TV.
Tagged with Doctor Who, Dr Who, scarf, shoulder, TARDIS, True Blue Tattoos.
By Ed
– January 21, 2011
Alexander is one of those gamers that loved Shadow of the Colossus. He also loved Valkyria Chronicles, and hey look at that two arms for tattoos. Bzzzt bzzzt. Alexander says he got them on his inner arms specifically so he can see them when he’s holding a game controller. Both tattoos were done at Sol Tribe; Valkyria Chronicles one by Rachel Schilling and Colossus one by Kristin Pelletier.
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with forearm, Kristin Pelletier, Rachel Schilling, Shadow of Colossus, Sol Tribe, Valkyria Chronicles.
By Ed
– January 19, 2011
benjamin sTone and Nadja Robot (yes, her real name) are the owners of the cute nerd love tattoos you see above. They got the matching tattoos earlier this year as a way to show their geeky love love for each other. As benjamin points out, they were a much better choice than something like “BENJAMIN STONE FOREVER! on a bloody knife stabbed into a heart.” It’s not benjamin’s first geeky tattoo, I posted his Time Lord tattoo awhile back.
As if the geeky tattoos weren’t enough proof, apparently these two met on alt.music.nin about 15 years ago. For all you young whipper-snappers that’s what us old folks call a newsgroup.
These little tokens of geek ink were done by Jovino, who’s actually well known in the Bay Area not necessarily for tattooing but for the animal pajamas he makes with his wife. Check them out at BunnyWarez.com. (My wife, the koala, has one.)
Posted in Tattoos.
Tagged with heart, Jovino, wrist.
By Ed
– January 18, 2011
Hooray for pixel tattoos! This Space Invader is on Michal’s arm. It’s his first tattoo and was done by Pepa at Tattoo Dragoon (Brno, Czech Republic). He says he got this tattoo so he will never forget being a kid and playing games on an 8-bit Didaktik M
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with 8bit, arm, pixel, Space Invader.
By Ed
– January 17, 2011
Justin, aka Squirrel did this “Mog of War” himself to “show that mankind will one day fall to the power of moogles!” He adds the disclaimer that perhaps he was drunk playing Final Fantasy IX and woke up the next morning witht the tattoo you see above.
Posted in Final Fantasy, Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with Final Fantasy, Moogle.
By Ed
– January 16, 2011
Jesus and Yoshi go way back. How else do you explain the huge success of Super Mario World? Well other than the fact that it was a great game.
Ian Gabriel Jordan sent in his tattoo by Ryan Willingham of Blu Gorilla Tattoo. He says, and I quote, “i got f*d up while I was station in the navy and though it would be cool”.
Posted in Super Mario Brothers, Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with bicep, Blu Gorilla Tattoo, Jesus, religious, Ryan Willingham, Super Mario Brothers, Yoshi.
By Ed
– January 15, 2011
Name: Katie
Shop: Club Tattoo, Tempe
Reason: Oblivion: my favorite video game. Also, the term “oblivion” is the unknown. I have it on my back because I can’t look back at the past and I have to keep moving forward to the “unknown” :)
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with back, Club Tattoo, Oblivion.
By Ed
– January 14, 2011
Oh Pangaea, you were so good together. Why’d you have to go and break up?
Seth, a geology student, wanted to commemorate his 25th birthday so he decided to get the “three stages of the rifting of the supercontinent Pangaea”. Listen up kids here’s a bit of a geology lesson. The bottom one is the Permian (250 million years ago), the middle is during the Cretaceous (65 million years ago), and the top is during the Holocene (our current epoch). Here’s hoping Seth doesn’t get busted for cheating on his next exam!
Tattoo was done by Jamie at Visions Tattoo Studio.
Posted in Geology, Science, Tattoos.
Tagged with leg, Visions Tattoo Studio.
By Ed
– January 13, 2011
Arpee is a software developer and open source enthusiast that sent in his base64 encoded string on his left arm that contains personal info about himself (name, residence, wife, affiliations, etc) and an md5 hash key value of the decoded string just in case someone tampers with the data. He’s totally ready for a Memento sort of thing.
Posted in Math, Tattoos.
Tagged with arm, base64, forearm, md5, text.
By Ed
– January 12, 2011
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