Zak shows off his “Uber Science” tattoo that he got from Alastair of Route 9 Tattoo in Framingham, MA.
Morgan’s Favorite Video Games
Morgan loves video games and has ever since he was a kid. The first video game he ever played and beat was Sonic 2 (don’t I feel old now). So to represent his childhood he got Sonic and Knuckles tattooed on him by Joe at Have Fun Be Lucky in Baltimore.
Resident Evil was another first for Morgan. He says it was the first game to ever “make [him] scream like a baby”. And he says he got the Bioshock chains because the game was “just a full serving of awesomeness”.
Bioshock and Umbrella Corp tattoos by Ink Rush Tattoo
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
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– December 27, 2010
Ramona Flowers Tattoo
I’ve been seeing more and more Scott Pilgrim tattoos ever since the comic book was finished and the movie came out. Probably because y’know the comic book was the best comic book ever. Nikko is the proud owner of this Ramona Flowers tattoo and got it in a friend’s apartment. Really good for a living room job!
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– December 26, 2010
Mike’s Dedication to Comic Books
Mike Shredder (that’s seriously his real name he says) sent in a couple of his comic book tattoos to share. All his tattoos were done by James at Artistic Ink. He also says he’s working on a Batman sleeve that I can’t wait to see when it’s done. He explains the motivation behind his tattoos:
Basically I am very passionate about comics. It stems from when I was young. I spent most of my time reading Marvel comics. I can remember the first comic I ever owned, Spider-Man. When I was young it was a way to escape into a world of complete imagination. Through the years my passion never changed. All through college they still were a part of my life in some way shape or form. As I grew older I gravitated towards DC and Batman; hence the big leg sleeve I’m doing now. A dream of mine has always been to own a comic shop and it’s about to start happening. I became friends with James, my tattoo artist, who also is a comic fan and shows it by having a good handful of Spider-Man tatts.
– December 24, 2010
Another 8Bit Mega Man Tattoo
I love these 8bit Mega Man tattoos and I’m happy to add this third one to our little curation. This one is from Robert, in Rhode Island. He got the ink done at I-drive Tattoo in honor of the first game he ever beat, Mega Man 2. Oh, and also because “megaman is just plain bad ass”
Posted in Video Games.
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– December 23, 2010
Apparently His Back is His Dark Side
Posted in Found On the Web, Movies, Star Wars.
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– December 22, 2010
Circular Geek
Tracie’s got three nerdy tattoos. What do they have in common? They’re all circular. (Shh, we’re ignoring her <3 and <\3 tattoos on her wrists so that we've got a theme for this here post) Tracie explains:
The first is my Seal of Rassilon from Dr. Who (upper right forearm). I got it done by Rex at Monster Ink in Saint Paul, MN.
The second is my Galactic Empire emblem (lower right forearm).
The third is my Battle Star Galactica emblem (lower left forearm). Above that I will be getting the Torchwood emblem.
The last two were done by Creed at Serious Ink in Fridley, MN.
Damn, the Torchwood emblem isn’t circular. Good thing we’re posting this before she gets it!
Posted in Movies, Star Wars, TV.
– December 21, 2010
If (me->isgeek() && me->blank_skin) then me->tattoo(something);
I love nerdy code tattoos. This one’s for the C++ geeks. This little snippet of code is loaded on Wayne’s arm.
bool Life::evilPrevails(GoodMan *me) { return !me->doSomething(); }
Wayne explains:
…basically my favourite quote converted into c++. I’m a software developer and have been for a while. I’d wanted to get the quote done, but didn’t want just a plain text tatt, because I prefer all mine to be a little obscure. … Its a function that returns true if the “goodman” does not do something.
The quote is Edmund Burke: “All it takes for evil to prevail is for a good man to do nothing” and its tattooed on my arm to remind me to not ignore it if I see something bad happen in the world, but do something about it instead. I got it done shortly after breaking up a fight in a local morrisons store, one girl was beating up another, and when I broke it up, I noticed 12 people just stood around doing nothing. I never want to be one of those people.
This bit of code was written in skin at Cock A Snook (I swear, that’s the name of the shop. Click the link if you don’t believe me). Wayne also says he has “
– December 4, 2010
Richard’s Fallout 3 Tattoo is the Bomb
Luckily Richard’s tattoo is better than my horrible puns. He writes: “I love Fallout 3 and think it is the best game I have ever played and that is saying something as I have been a gamer since my Intellivision and Commodore 64 days.” I have to agree, Fallout 3 has been one of my personal favorites, clocking in way too many hours. I’m just getting into Fallout New Vegas, which is pretty good as well.
Fallout 3 is by Bethesda Game Studios, the tattoo is by Dave at Sunset Strip Tattoo in Hollywood, this post is by me, comments by you.
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
– December 3, 2010
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