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And We’re Back!

Burning Man Tattoos

After an extended Burning Man vacation, Geeky Tattoos returns to it’s regularly scheduled posts!

It was a great year on the playa, filled with art, music, friends, and fun. If you’re interested in what I helped build, check out Syzygryd, now with videos and pictures of the completed sculpture running on the playa!

My Burning Man adventures weren’t without some tattoo-spotting of course, as I found the guy with the event appropriate tattoos over at the Art Car Wash. I believe he said his name was Aaron, but I could be totally wrong as it was hot, I was dehydrated, and the Superman underwear was starting to chafe.

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Off to Burning Man

Has it really been another year already? Notice the lack of posts lately? That means I’ve been hard at work on getting ready for Burning Man. And when getting ready for Burning Man means building large art, well it’s not something you do in one weekend.

This year we’ve built Syzygyrd. If you’re on playa, you should come check it out. Walk towards the man from 7:30 and you can’t miss it. Also stop by Camp Syzygryd at 5:00 and Cairo and say hi!

So hang in there until September when I’ll return and continue posting some of the great geeky tattoos I’ve gotten in the inbox lately.

photo via DangerRanger’s Burning Tattoo group.

Posted in Tattoos.

Dopamine Tattoo

“Is that dopamine in your pants or are you just happy to see me?”

Heather got this tattoo after working in a behavioral neuroscience lab.

Posted in Science, Tattoos.

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World of Warcraft Alliance Tattoo

Almost every time I see a World of Warcraft tattoo it’s of the Horde symbol. People are serious about the Horde. But there are also people out there that are serious about the Alliance. Clare, aka Elocine, is a proud member of the Alliance. She writes:

After playing World of Warcraft for 5 years with no plans of stopping I wanted to get a tattoo representing a very important aspect of my life. WoW has never left me, its been there through thick, thin, lovers, and haters. […] as a avid Alliance player I wanted to represent my faction. Now proudly displayed on my right arm is a pretty good sized Alliance Lion. My tattoo has constantly been a conversation starter and is a beacon for all the WoW geeks out there…especially the Alliance ones.

Tattoo was done at Fuzion Ink in Norfolk, VA. Elocine the Kingslayer can be found on the Azuremyst server.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games, World of Warcraft.

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Jaden’s NERD/DORK Knuckle Tattoos and More

Jaden’s working on a PhD in entomology as well as quite the collection of geeky tattoos, including some of my favorite knuckle tattoos. These NERD and DORK knuckle tattoos are Jaden coming to terms with the nerd/dork that he is.

The Game Boy thumb tattoos are not just the awesomest (shutup spell check, it’s a word) thumb tattoos, but also a sign of his love of the Game Boy. He was such a Game Boy addict that at one point he had over 300 games before an unfortunate moving “disappearance”.

He also has a Triforce branding (yes branding + tattoo) that he got because of his love for the old school Zelda games back in the day before there was all this 3D stuff. (Yes kids, we used to play games in a 2D world and it was the best thing ever!)

And I have to at least mention the last tattoo he sent me, even though I can’t post it with the whole attempt to be work-safe and all. Let’s just say he has Pikachu in a… unfortunate place. I hope Pikachu doesn’t mind getting sat on every day.

TriForce was done by Billi Woodi at Exotica in Orlando, FL.
Knuckle dusters were done by Bear at Trinity Tattoos in Sanford, FL.
Game Boy thumbs were done by Bear at Trinity Tattoos in Sanford, FL.
Pikachu ass tattoo is also by Bear.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Kissing Namor the Sub-Mariner

It’s not often you find a true Namor fan. Sad but true, Aquaman has a much catchier name. Regardless, Bradleigh says that Namor is her all time favorite comic book character. She even admits that she’s got a little crush on him! And much like I did with that yearbook photo of that cheerleader I liked, she did a little doctoring of a kissy-kissy picture to replace Sue Storm with herself and then tattooed it on her thigh. Hot! Tattoo was done by Chipp from Club Tattoo

Bradleigh also has a Star Trek tattoo and plans on getting a Romulan one soon. This one was done at Sachs Body Modfifcation.

Posted in Comics, Star Trek, Tattoos, TV.

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Jordan’s Baby Yoshi Tattoo

If I was a girl I would have squeed at the cuteness that is Jordan’s Baby Yoshi tattoo behind her ear. As it stands I’m a guy, so I will vehemently deny any accusations of squeeing. (Crap, I’m going to have to go play some Gears of War or something to bump my stereotypical gender attributes back up.)

In addition to the adorable Baby Yoshi, Jordan has a tramp stamp of the Dance Dance Revolution arrows. She also says she’s working on a Nintendo sleeve.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Final Fantasy VII Tattoo

Norumu” sent in his Final Fantasy VII tattoo. He says that he didn’t just love FF7, but it was his virtual escape from the pains of divorcing parents. Take note parents out there, did homework ever do that for anyone?

Inked by Khalid at Area 51 Tattoo in Crystal Lake, IL.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Star Wars Geek

George wanted to make sure there was no confusion. I mean Star Wars tattoos alone usually peg a geek from a parsec away. But George took the extra step to emblazon GEEK on his back just to make sure you could tell from 2 parsecs away. Tattoo was inked by Tony Touch at Infinite Art Tattoo in Toledo, Ohio.

Posted in Movies, Star Wars, Tattoos.

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Dave’s Neo Geo Tattoo

Dave writes:

I just got my latest geeky tattoo finished and wanted to share. It’s a quarter sleeve representation of the control panel from a Neo Geo MVS arcade system. I’m a life long gamer and I always wanted a Neo Geo console growing up but could never afford it. Once I was older I got into arcade collecting and discovered that the arcade systems are pretty affordable (in terms of money, not space). I bought a one slot Neo Geo that had been installed in a Street Fighter II Championship Edition cabinet and have since upgraded to a 4 slot “Big Red” MVS system that I did a pretty substantial restoration on (still a work in progress). Neo Geo is hands-down my favorite system in terms of replayability and general fun so I figured it was a good place to start a video game themed sleeve.

The tattoo was done by Kevin over at The Tattoo Shop in Lansing, MI. It’s not the only geeky tattoo that Dave’s got. He’s got both the Empire and Rebellion symbols on his legs. But I have to say that this may be the first Neo Geo tattoo I’ve posted!

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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