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Triforce Tattoo

Our Zelda tattoos wouldn’t be complete without a triforce tattoo, right? Well luckily Evan from Sugar Land, TX delivers. He got this piece of ink from Dave at Diamond Tattoo. The big question is which came first: the tattoo or the towels?

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Legend of Zelda Leg Sleeve

Apparently it’s looking like a Zelda week here at Geeky Tattoos. We posted Nathalie’s great heart container tattoo yesterday. Today we bring you Dylan’s leg sleeve of Zelda. He’s just getting started with it, but says he will have “the most EPIC Legend of Zelda Leg sleeve in the future.” I mean after all it is “one of the greatest video games ever created”, how can you not let it take over your leg?

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Critter Gets a TriOut Tattoo

Critter helped start Geeky Tattoos off with his Fail Whale tattoo and he’s back again with another addition to his web/tech ink. This time it’s the logo to TriOut, a site that helps people explore North Carolina’s “Triangle” region (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill). Critter not only lives in the Triangle, he was also a beta user for TriOut.

Posted on TriOut blog

Posted in Internet, Logos, Tattoos.

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Nathalie’s Heart Container Tattoo

Nathalie sent in some photos of her Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess heart container tattoo. Appropriate placement and well done! <3

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Farmville Hot Rod Tractor Tattoo

Farmville is serious business for some people. With over 26 million players a day, there’s a lot of virtual farming happening on Facebook. FatChevy is one of these dedicated virtual farmers. He’s so dedicated in fact that he got a Farmville tattoo of the Hot Rod Tractor. He says:

The reason I decided to get a tattoo with something related to Farmville was I think a tattoo should represent different parts of your life and as crazy as this sounds, Farmville is a part of my life. I’m one of those farmville addicts that makes sure to schedule my crops around my daily schedule and have to have almost all the new stuff that has come out. Its something I enjoy to do and will continue to enjoy for a long time!

The best part? He got the tattoo from a close friend and traded him his truck for the ink!

For those not familiar with the Farmville Hot Rod Tractor, basically it’s an item that you can buy in Farmville if you’re at least level 10 in another Zynga game, Mafia Wars. It’s a limited edition item, and so far has only been available since late January.

More photos of the process of getting this tattoo from FatChevy:

Posted in Internet, Tattoos, Video Games.

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Raptor Jesus Tattoo

I don’t really need to say anything about the awesomeness of this true disciple. But for those that are curious, the owner is Tash and the ink was done by Brian Garten at Praying Mantis Tattoo.


Posted in Internet Memes, Tattoos.

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Rackspace Tattoo at SXSW

I just got back from SXSW this year and while I was there I happened to be on the floor of the trade show in time to catch the above tattoo just getting finished. (Big thanks to @Thweetch for giving me the heads up.) The tattoo is the logo for Rackspace. Rackspace is one of the best web hosting companies out there and they do both cloud hosting and the typical managed server hosting. Geeky Tattoos is hosted with them, so naturally I’m a big fan. Not big enough to get a tattoo of their logo, but maybe if they give me some free hosting we’ll talk. :)

The “Racker” above is Michael Long (@theredrecruiter), an employee of Rackspace, who got the tattoo to show that he’s “fanatical” about the company. Here’s a video from the inking:

UPDATE: Michael has also posted about it on his site.

Posted in Internet, Logos, Tattoos.

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Amazing Comic Book/Star Wars Leg Sleeve

I don’t even know where to start with Peter’s amazing leg sleeve. I guess I’ll let him explain in his own words:

I got my first Star Wars tattoo 11 years ago in the form of the Mandalorian logo on my back. Since then I have sleeved my whole left leg with Star Wars and other movie / comic related images. I started with the Crow piece on my thigh, that was done by 2 different artist (I don’t know the names of either, the bird was done by an artist in Birmingham UK and the mask by a guy in South Australia). I then added the Saint of Killers (from the Preacher comics) and Han Solo and The Man With No Name (Clint Eastwood in For a Few Dollars More). These were all done by Danny at Studio 81 Manchester (UK). I decided to divide the tattoos up with the thick border to give it a comic book feel.

Once my thigh was complete I moved onto my Boba Fett calf piece. This was designed and tattooed by Bara at True Love Tattoo in Madrid. This piece also won 2 place in the Star Wars tattoo competition at Celebration 4 in Los Angeles.

To complete the Sleeve I added the Batman and John Constantine (from Hellblazer comics) piece around my knee. Also done by Bara.

The Jedi’s Ruin rib piece is based on Darth Talon from the Star Wars Legacy comics, and was designed around the classic mans ruin tattoo. Also done by Bara.

Photos are by Diana Jane Images.

Posted in Comics, Movies, Tattoos.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Crest

Moe shares the story of how his TMNT crest came to be:

So I’m sitting around with my iPod on shuffle one night, just hanging out, when Partners in Kryme-Turtle Power comes on.

In case you forgot, that’s the awesome Ninja Turtles rap song from the first movie.

Suddenly, it occurs to me…I need a TMNT tattoo. Now.

I pick up my cell phone and text my artist (Austin West at Divinity Tattoo in Scottsdale, Arizona) and tell her what I’m thinking about, which was the Ninja Turtle masks in a legband.

What she came up with instead is 1000 times better. 2 months later and here we are.

I feel like maybe I post a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tattoos. I don’t think this is a problem.

Posted in Comics, Movies, Tattoos, TV.

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Darth Vader and Light Sabers

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Darth Vader and light sabers is the new skull and crossbones. Angelica sent in a photo of he dedication to this “misunderstood character” (her words not mine). She says she’s always had a deep love for Star Wars and Darth Vader, so she had Paully at Tatts By Zapp tattoo the infamous Vader on her shoulder.

Posted in Movies, Tattoos.

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