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Code Nerd Knuckle Tattoos

Code Nerd Knucks

Jesse McPherson, obviously a programmer, is the owner of the above knuckle tattoos. He said he got them done at “some pirate themed tattoo shop in LA”. He chose the font that he normally codes in, blew it up to get it pixelated and then did one hand blue and the other hand black to symbolize the always useful syntax highlighting. In addition to the knuckle tattoos, Jesse’s also got “code” tattooed on his inner lip.

By the way, I highly recommend getting tattoos like this AFTER you’ve learned to touch-type. Or you should get the home row keys like this guy did.

Posted in Code, Tattoos.

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Zoe’s Pangea Tattoo

Pangea tattoo

“She’s got the whole world.. on her arm.” Sorry, that was bad. But this tattoo is anything but.

Zoe sent in a shot of her awesome Pangea tattoo, which is sure to make all the geology geeks jealous. Zoe says, “Science and History combine to remind us no matter our differences we are all from the same place.” On top of a chance to share geeky ink with you, Zoe’s tattoo gives me a good reason to post this cool animation:


Posted in Science, Tattoos.

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Bork, Bork, Bork

Mike's Swedish Chef Tattoo

In honor of Mike’s tattoo, the following post was run through the Swedish Chef translator:

Breeunne-a sent us a peectoore-a ooff her bruzeer-in-lev’s Jeem Hensun inspured tettuu ooff zee Svedeesh Cheff cuukeeng up sume-a Kermeet. Um de hur de hur de hur. I’m nut soore-a vhet zee muteefeshun beheend zee chueece-a ooff zee Mooppets ves, elthuoogh Breeunne-a deed pueent oooot thet Meeke-a is a cheff. Vhezeer oor nut he-a speceeelizes in cuukeeng frug, I’m nut soore-a. Thees tettuu ves dune-a by Elex Murse-a et Zee Cunfes Tettuu Stoodeeu.

Posted in Tattoos, TV.

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Knitting is Geeky

Ali's Knitta for Life Tattoo

As I pointed out in my last post, geeks are redefining the skull and crossbones. This time it’s Ali Crockett and her knitting tattoo. Ali and her “knitta for life” tattoo were spotted down at the local San Francisco hacker space, Noisebridge.

Of course the geek doesn’t stop at the tattoo, Ali is also responsible for Aniomagic, an online store selling kits that help you integrate electronics into your textile arts. Want to sew your own cloth iPhone remote? There’s a kit for that. Or maybe a programmable bracelet to remind you when your parking meter time is running out? Aniomagic can help with that too.

Ali's Knitta for life tattoo

Photos by Audrey Penven Originals: 1,2. Thanks to Reed for sending in.

Posted in Tattoos.

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Darth Vader Chest Tattoo

Anna's Darth Vader chest tattoo

Such prominent placement of evil! Anna bares her chest to show off her ink of Darth Vader with crossed light sabers that was inked by Tivis Phillips at Ancient Art Tattoo in Blacksburg, VA. She points out that the other light saber belongs to Obi-Wan. Sometimes I have to wonder if Darth Vader tattoos are the new geek version of old-school skull and crossbones tattoos.

Posted in Movies, Tattoos.

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Apple Tattoos

Trevor's Apple Tattoos

Check out Trevor’s tribute to old school Apple logos. Not only does he have the ring of Apple ink, he’s also got a Lego tattoo as well as a robot! Check them all out on his Flickr set.

Posted in Computers, Logos, Tattoos.

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Cisco Tattoo

Cisco Tattoo

This one is for all the networking geeks out there. Recognize this logo on Brian’s back?

via geekologie

Posted in Computers, Logos, Tattoos.

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Chefs and Their Tattoos

Richie, sous chef at NOPA, and his Oneida spoon tattoo - Photo by Megan Gordon

Are you into food? No I mean REALLY into food? Local chef @linecook pointed me to a post on Bay Area Bites about some Bay Area chefs who geek out over food and cooking so much that they have it tattooed on them. I was not too surprised to find that a lot of chefs are tattooed as many of the best cooks I’ve known have significant tattoos. (Shameless plug for my tattooed fiancée: Mooflyfood)

Tasty Tattoos and the Chefs Who Sport Them

Photo by Megan Gordon

Posted in Tattoos.

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A Potato Tattoo

Sideways Stories Potato Tattoo

Remember Sideways Stories from Wayside School? If so, you’ll appreciate this tattoo. The owner, Alex, writes in:

I just got my very first tattoo and it’s totally geeky, just like me, ha ha.

So if you’ve read the book “Wayside School is Falling Down,” then you probably are familiar with the story of Calvin. His dad decides to let him get a tattoo and everyone in class gives him all these suggestions. He considers getting a leopard fighting a snake, but in the end he gets a potato just above his left ankle. Everyone thinks it’s stupid, but he knows he made the right choice, or at least he’s pretty sure.

And a pic of the happy tattooee and tattooer:

Alex getting tattooed

Love it!

Posted in Books, Tattoos.

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Tyrannosaurus Rex Hip Tattoos

tyrannosaurus rex hip tattoos

Tyrannosaurus Rex skulls on her hip bones. Two thumbs up to Jannike for her perfect paleontology pieces of ink. Original image is via Jannike’s blog. Both her blog and her Flickr stream have some great photos that you should check out. Luckily you don’t need to read Swedish to appreciate a good photo.

Posted in Science, Tattoos.

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