It’s that time of the year again! People are hard at work on art projects, making packing lists, and preparing for a week of dust in the Black Rock Desert. That’s right, Burning Man is only 10 days away! If you’re not familiar with Burning Man, you should try sleeping in a bed rather than under that rock. But for the sake of those few that don’t know: Burning Man is a large festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. It’s a large gathering of people, art, music, and all sorts of things you won’t see anywhere else. You can learn all about it over at www.burningman.com.
Plenty of geeks attend Burning Man every year, and there’s a lot of artwork that integrates a lot of geekery. But in addition to all us geeks, Burning Man breeds it’s own kind of geek that is dedicated to the event and culture surrounding it. Some of these geeks get tattoos, and long-time burner Danger Ranger has collected several of these tattoos in a Flickr set. There’s also a couple of tattoos and scarifications on the Tribe community.
And yes, yours truly is headed out to the desert as well and will be camping with Ardent Heavy Industries at 4:00 and Adapt. If you’ve got a geeky tattoo to show off (or you just want to say hi), stop by and ask for Rabbit!
Posted in Tattoos.
Tagged with back, Burning Man.
By Ed
– August 21, 2009

You might recognize the Duck Hunt tattoos above. That’s because I posted them before, but had no idea who the owner was until Amber (aka 8bit4life) contacted me. Not only did she solve the mystery of ownership, she also showed off a couple more of her geeky tattoos!
Her first tattoo was an Invader Zim piece:

Then she got the familiar Duck Hunt birds:

Then she turned towards the start of some sleeves. One of them is going to be a “Hot Chicks of Video Games” which she started off with Felicia (from Dark Stalkers) with plans to add Samus (Metroid) and Chun Li (Street Fighter):

The other sleeve will be Super Mario Brothers themed and Amber kicked it off right with a wrist ring of power-ups:

I’m looking forward to how the sleeves turn out! All of her ink has been done by Jason Helgerson of Tattoo Asylum in Spring Lake Park, MN.
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with Amber, back, Duck Hunt, Felicia, Invader Zim, Jason Helgerson, Nintendo, shoulder, Street Fighter, Super Mario Brothers, Tattoo Asylum, wrist.
By Ed
– August 17, 2009

It’s been on our “Tattoos We’d Like To See” list for awhile, and I’ve kept an eye out for it, but it was @heathervescent who hooked us up with a lead via her post on Geeks Gone Wild (With Tattoo Guns). So far all I have is the image you see above that was included in a post on 30 Awesomely Bad Unicorn Tattoos. It’s definitely in a state of half-finished since the unicorn is just an outline, but it may be finished now since I don’t kow when the photo was taken. If anyone has any info on the owner, please contact me! @geekytattoos or admin@geekytattoos.com.
UPDATE: Courtney writes in to tell us: “The person who did this tattoo is a guy named Andrew Shattuck who lives in Tallahassee, Fl. He works at No Regrets Tattoos.”
Posted in Internet Memes, Tattoos.
Tagged with Andrew Shattuck, leg, No Regrets Tattoos, unknown owner.
By Ed
– June 17, 2009

Unfortunately Helen didn’t turn 18 soon enough to make it into the Star Trek tattoo roundup, but I’m happy she still sent in her awesome Vulcan inspired hand tattoo. On her 18th birthday she went over to Body Art in Ayr, Scotland to get her first tattoo, showing her love for Star Trek, and more specifically Spock! Not many people get palm tattoos, let alone as their first tattoo, as they can be very painful and difficult to keep. Here’s hoping Helen’s tattoo “lives long and prospers”.
Happy Birthday Helen!

Posted in Movies, Tattoos, TV.
Tagged with hand, palm, Star Trek.
By Ed
– June 16, 2009
Susan sends in her Rorschach wrist tattoo from Watchmen. She says he is her favorite fiction character and this is her favorite tattoo! She also recommends: Watchmen and Philosophy: A Rorschach Test. Now if only they made ink that would shift and change!

Andy sends in his Pac-Man tattoo that he got “to represent me and girlfriend and to remind me of the time (and money) I spent at this Ms. Pac Man machine in Portland, OR.” I love the big bold strokes and simple color!
Butch Smith also sent in his awesomely old school Transformers tattoo. It’s the Ravage toy from his childhood. Ravage is a jaguar that’s normally depicted as a cassette tape or a mini-cassette (as in Butch’s tattoo and the original toy). But to stay up to date with the times, the next version of the Ravage toy is going to be a USB stick! Butch got his tattoo done by Justin Clark of Living Canvas in Hot Springs National Park, AR.
Got some geeky tattoos? Send them in to admin@geekytattoos.com! Please make sure you send in large size, good quality photos of them. We’re getting a lot of great submissions, but unfortunately nobody wants to see a blurry tattoo! Also, make sure you include your story, tattoo artist, etc. so we can share that too!
Posted in Comics, Reader Tattoos, Tattoos, Transformers, Video Games.
Tagged with Justin Clark, Living Canvas, pac-man, Transformers, Watchmen, wrist.
By Ed
– May 26, 2009

R. is rocking this simple, yet iconic Guitar Hero button tattoo. What better way to practice than to have the buttons tattooed on yourself? Tattoo was by Leah at A Touch of Color in Hamden, CT.
via hλlf empty
Ed note: owner’s name shortened due to the fact that they don’t work for Activision and might get in trouble for some ink at their workplace
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with A Touch of Color, arm, Guitar Hero.
By Ed
– May 12, 2009
With the release of the new Star Trek movie (which I hear is awesome) there has been a lot of buzz about the series. But for some people the love of Star Trek never fades in and out and is a large part of their life. Here are some tattoos on people that have pledged their love for Star Trek in ink:
Posted in Movies, Tattoos, TV.
Tagged with arm, back, Borg, calf, chest, Klingon, leg, portraits, Romulan, Star Trek, USS Enterprise, William Shatner.
By Ed
– May 11, 2009

Kris Phillips, a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Iowa, writes in to share his two geeky tattoos. The first is a drawing of Wittgenstein’s duck-rabbit from Philosophical Investigations. The second is an ancient Greek typewriter spelling out “Philosophia” in Greek.
Gabriel Caffrey, a photography geek, sent in his series of four aperture rings on his back that symbolize his love for photography, the act of composition and catching the “Decisive Moment”. While they aren’t technically mathematically precise (c’mon it’s skin!) they range from about f/2.8 – f/11mm. Idexa Stern of Black and Blue Tattoo both designed and inked these for Gabriel.
And finally Loyd sends in his Green Lantern tattoo. He says he’s going to pair it up with a Blue Lantern tattoo sometime this summer.
Posted in Comics, Reader Tattoos, Tattoos.
Tagged with arm, back, chest, Green Lantern, photography, typewriter, wrist.
By Ed
– May 8, 2009

Drew Olanoff is quickly become the most frequently posted geeky tattoo enthusiast on this site! I posted about his microphone and RSS tattoos already, plus there was that whole “donate to Make-A-Wish and I’ll tattoo your Twitter name” episode. Not satisfied with that, he’s back again, this time with some Zelda style hearts on his arm. But there’s also a story behind this one too. Drew writes:
I took a new job in LA with a company called GOGII. My going away party was Friday night. My friend Sandra from NYC and Rachel from Philly flew ALL the way to San Francisco to congratulate me. Surprised the hell out of me. The front desk at my complex buzzed and said I had packages, I walked out half asleep and they jumped up from behind the desk and I nearly had a heart attack.
Most amazing friends ever. So we got tattoos.
Ricket at Cold Steel America is of course responsible for these. Turns out this was Rachel’s first tattoo as well. What better way to get inked for the first time than with a geeky tattoo? Good luck in LA Drew, I’m sure we’ll see you back in SF next time you get an itch for a tattoo.
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with arm, Cold Steel, Drew Olanoff, ribs, Ricket, Zelda.
By Ed
– May 6, 2009

The Harry Potter books have been one of the most popular series in recent years and have had a variety of impacts on readers of all ages. Molly McIsaac felt like the Harry Potter books defined times in her life and got a tattoo to recognize that. She writes in:
I was raised with the Harry Potter books. When they first came out, my mother read the first one to my little brother and I. As they continued to come out, I found that certain defining times in my life corresponded with the launch of the books. I have so many happy memories of dressing up and letting loose at the book launches. A week before the 7th and final book came out, I was feeling quite melancholy. Harry Potter was the one thing from my childhood that had prevented me from growing up completely – I hung onto it like a life line. And yet, here was “the end” rearing its ugly head at me. And it wasn’t a good feeling. So to commemorate that literal final page in my childhood and my neverending love for Harry Potter, I went and got my first tattoo – a golden snitch.
Great mix of geek with personal meaning Molly!

Posted in Books, Tattoos.
Tagged with Harry Potter, Molly McIsaac, snitch, wrist.
By Ed
– May 6, 2009
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