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Geeky Tattoos Reader Round-Up #5

Another dip into the mailbox and another batch of tattoos sent in by readers!

Quotation Mark Tattoos

Megan sends us a picture of her “proper Oxford quotation mark” tattoos that she got on a recent trip to a Writing Center conference.  She says she’s a big fan of punctuation and even has a semi-colon on her lower arm.  I hope I got all my punctuation correct in this post!

Whataburger Tattoo

I’m not sure if Zack’s Whataburger tattoo classifies as geeky or not, but still felt like sharing it since it gave me a chuckle.  His inspiration was the message found on the back of Whataburger fry boxes and drink cups.  He writes:

To me it is great on a few levels as A) Its from a piece of Trash, B) It is a great piece of pop culture, C) I believe in the body as a vessel for the soul and when I’m done… cremate me and D) Its my final joke as I love the idea that one day i’ll be on a slab in some Mortician’s place and they will see it, laugh, and say “Hey Hank, ya gotta come see this!”

Tattoo done January 2009 at the Velvet Grip on Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood

1-up mushroom

Knives sent in his 1-up mushroom tattoo that he got done by Arad in Tel-Aviv at the B-Street shop.

Thomas Halo TattooThomas Quake Tattoo

And Thomas, who is going to school for “Game and Simulation Programming”, sent in his pair of game related tattoos: Halo and Quake logos. He says he got these to show his dedication to his career and his family.

That’s it for the reader round-up for today.  If you’ve got a Geeky Tattoo, send it in to with your story!

Posted in Reader Tattoos, Tattoos, Video Games.

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Alyssa’s “Interactive Tramp Stamp” and Zelda Tattoos

Interactive Tramp Stamp Pinball Flippers

Alyssa sent in a bunch of photos of her geeky tattoos to share with everyone.  She’s definitely got a thing for Zelda as her upper thigh/hip piece consists of official art from SNES, a sprite from the original NES game, and official art from The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords. In addition to her leg piece, she also has a life meter on her chest and a triforce on the back of her neck.  But my personal favorites are not the Zelda tattoos she sports, but rather the pinball flippers on her lower back with buttons on her side.  She calls them her “interactive tramp stamp”.  As if all those tattoos weren’t enough to earn a post on GeekyTattoos, she also sent me photos of her tattoos with her dressed up as Slave Leia for extra bonus geek points.  *swoon*

Zelda Leg TattooAlyssa's Zelda Leg TattooLife Meter TattooTriforce Neck Tattoo

Some photos are (c) BlankLogo Photography, who you should go check out if you like hot girls and cosplay.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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All Your Base Are Belong to Us Tattoo

All your  base are belong to us

Words are not needed for Pablo‘s “All your base are belong to us” tattoo.  My suggestion for the other arm? “Somebody set up us the bomb”

Posted in Internet Memes, Tattoos, Video Games.

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Geeky Tattoos Reader Round-Up #4


Nick is the owner of the flaming D20 “High Roller” tattoo you see above.  He wanted to get something related to tabletop gaming, but cool.  Umm, as far as we’re concerned tabletop gaming is cool, am i right?  Inked by Electroline, Cramlington, UK.

DNA TattooRobin also sends in this DNA tattoo that was obtained down in Brazil.

Do you have a geeky tattoo?  We want to see!  Send your geeky tattoos to with a photo or two, an explanation of why you got what you did and who did it!

Posted in Reader Tattoos, Tattoos.

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Scan this tattoo

Data Matrix code

Barcode tattoos are pretty popular these days.  It’s interesting to see what sort of data people get encoded in ink on their body.  However, even though the typical barcodes are pretty common, it’s not often you see a 2-d barcode tattoo.  Tom sent in this photo of his Data Matrix code tattoo that he got last year.  See if you can decode it!

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The Adventures of Pete and Pete – Petunia Tattoo

The Adventures of Pete and Pete - Petunia Tattoo

Anyone that was a kid with cable in the early 90s probably remembers The Adventures of Pete and Pete.  It was decidedly a pretty geeky show, and many of my geek friends around that age watched it regularly.

When I first started up, I started making a list of tattoos I thought should exist somewhere, but I just hadn’t found them yet.  Well, the first one on that list that I’ve found is the tattoo of Petunia from Pete and Pete that you see above.  I have no info on this tattoo, which makes me sad, so if you know who the mystery man is in the photo, please let me know!  Oh, and if you can get him to make a video of him making Petunia dance, extra bonus points to you!

BTW, if this has you itching to watch Pete and Pete again, you can pick up Season 1 and 2 from Amazon on DVD:
The Adventures of Pete & Pete – Season 1
The Adventures of Pete & Pete – Season 2

The Adventures of Pete and Pete - Petunia Tattoo

Posted in Tattoos, TV.

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Geeky Tattoos Reader Round-Up #3

It’s time to check the Geeky Tattoos inbox again.  Here’s what we’ve got today:

Andrew sends in his HTML </body> tag tattoo that he got for his 30th birthday.

body tattoo

Mike B sent in his Tux tattoo that he got 4 years ago.  Looks like it’s aged pretty well, just like Linux.

Fresh Tux TattooTux Tattoo Four years Later

Finally, Christian H sent in his “controls”:

Controls tattoo

Posted in Reader Tattoos.

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Wolverine Rides My Little Pony Tattoo

Wolverine Riding My Little Pony

Comic book based tattoos are decidely geeky, and there’s certainly no shortage of Wolverine tattoos, but for the love of adamantium, could someone please fill us in on this one?  There’s got to be a good story behind it.

UPDATE: The artist of this tattoo is Chris Yoakum out of Urban Body. Apparently the story is:

He got this tattoo for his sister who died. They used to play with their toys together as kids. Ok so she didn’t die, she just went to study abroad for a year. Either way the best part is he has Magneto on the other side.

Two more shots from Chris’s portfolio:

Posted in Comics, Tattoos.

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Blackberry App World Tattoo

Blackberry App World Tattoo

Ivan is back with another tattoo!  I previously posted about his iGoogle, Windows XP, and Office 2007 tattoos, and now he has a new one to add, the Blackberry App World logo.  The App World is Blackberry’s answer to the iPhone App Store and Danger’s Download Catalog.  Something tells me Ivan is not an iPhone or Sidekick user!

Blackberry App World Tattoo

Posted in Gadgets, Logos, Tattoos.

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Nintendo Light Zapper Collage

Light Zappers and Mushrooms

I have a fondness for the old school Nintendo light zapper guns, so of course I love this set of geeky tattoos on Jess (aka ShadowSoldier).  She loves video games and specifically has a love for the old addictive classics: Pac-Man, Mario, Duck Hunt, etc.  Her collage of old school gaming goodness started with the Mario mushrooms & stars.  They were done by Mike Riina (currently at Splash of Color).  While those were healing, she thought up the Pac-Man idea of a string of dots going up her chest and then branching to her collar bone with ghosts and our old friend Pac-Man.  I posted previously about Pac-Man tattoos but hadn’t seen hers before.  The full image of the Pac-Man piece is kind of NSFW so you can click here to check it out.  Geary Morrill was the man behind the tattoo gun for these dots.  While doing the Pac-Man parts, Geary suggested the zappers.  Jess “thought it was genius” and it wasn’t long before those were added.  But she’s not quite done, as she’s still thinking about adding some Tetris into the mix of old school games.  I can’t wait to see how that turns out!  But before we go, two more pics from the side:

Nintendo Light Zapper TattooNintendo Light Zapper Tattoo

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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