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xkcd tattoos

Just about every geek knows about the chuckle-inducing web comic xkcd. If you don’t, set aside some hours to catch up to the rest of us. Then check out these xkcd inspired tattoos:

xkcd You're a kitty tattoo

Unfortunately we don’t have a lot of info on this tattoo that comes to us via BMEzine (NSFW). All they have to say is: Tattoo by “The dude that lives in Thailand” at Wild Tattoo, somewhere in Sweden.
UPDATE: Owner found! Dante writes:

I got it in Växjö at Wild tattoo, it was done by a guy that lives in Thailand (Janne) but was there for some guest tattooing or something. I got it because I love XKCD and that comic always puts a smile on my face. It’s just sheer genius with the whole obviousness factor and all. And the fact that people actually act like that around animals and babies…I never got that.

The inspiration behind this one:

Yes you are!  And you're sitting there!  Hi, kitty!
This other one comes from BMEInk but unfortunately with no info either.
xkcd Say Anything reference

Inspired by this one:

And she's gonna feel like a jerk when she realizes it was actually Under Pressure.
UPDATE: We’ve got another one!  Ozreiuosn on Twitter let us know that she has an xkcd related tattoo.


This time it seems to be the other way around.  An xkcd inspired by a tattoo!  Oz got herself a tattoo of windmills from Mez.  Why? She says “There’s no real deep meaning here. I just love the way they look, they are quite evocative. Creepy, alien-like, futuristic, powerful, I can’t help but stare. They freak me out a little bit but they always draw me in.” Cue creepy xkcd strip about the windmills coming to life:

The moment their arms spun freely in our air, they were doomed -- for Man has earned his right to hold this planet against all comers, by virtue of occasionally producing someone totally batshit insane.

via Flickr

UPDATE 2: Kitty Stryker also sent in a photo of her xkcd inspired tattoo.  She went to Sacred Rose in Berkeley, CA to get the last frame of one of my personal favorites, Grownups.

Growing Up

I've looked into this, and I can't figure out a way to do it cheaply.  And I guess it wouldn't be sanitary.

I’m still on the hunt for more xkcd tattoos. It seems like something that would inspire more than two people to get it tattooed, right? So if you know anyone else with an xkcd tattoo, or the owners of the above ink, please send me an email:

Posted in Comics, Internet, Tattoos.

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Free Wifi Knuckle Tattoo

Free Wifi Knuckle Tattoo

I didn’t even know Wifi was in jail…

via lj

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Geeky Tattoos Reader Round-Up #2

Greg's Code Tattoos

It’s time to check the mailbox for reader submitted tattoos! First up we’ve got Greg Givan, a programmer who has adorned his wrists with the simple code tags. He says “Not only describes what i do for a living, but helps remind me to live ‘inside’ a personal code as well”.

City of Villans Tattoo

Matthew Glavin sent in his City of Villans tattoo saying ” Played the game for 2 years and though i would Get the Arachnid tattoo till they NERFed the game then quit, but over all it looks awesome no matter how much i dont play anymore lol. most people dont reconize it from COV.”

Tattoo of Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

And finally, Danny Guynn sends in his own University of Maryland hat wearing + G-Unit belt sporting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Michelangelo tattoo. Wow.

Posted in Code, Comics, Reader Tattoos, Tattoos, Video Games.

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Lynn’s Geeky Web Ink

Lynn's Web Layers Tattoo

This one is for all those web developers out there. Lynn, a Front End Developer, got this awesome back piece done recently over at Mom’s Body Shop in San Francisco.

For those of you going “huh?” allow me to explain. There are basically three layers or aspects of web design: structural, presentational, and behavioral. In short, structural = HTML, presentational = CSS, and behavioral = DOM and scripting. If you want more, we recommend: Web Design in a Nutshell

She also has a cute little caffeine molecule!

image via Lynn’s Flickr

Posted in Code, Tattoos.

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Drew’s “Twitter Tattoo” Is Inked!

Drew's #twittertattoo

A week ago I posted about Drew Olanoff’s offer to get a tattoo of the Twitter username of the person willing to donate the most money to the Make-A-Wish foundation. The bidding quickly escalated (we even put a bid in!) and when midnight on Monday struck, Melanie Mitchell had won with a bid of $2112. True to his word Drew went and got her username inked down at Cold Steel yesterday. Drew had to explain what Twitter was to his artist, Ricket, but he was more than willing to put some more ink into Drew’s skin.

For more videos, check out Drew’s site. You can also see more over on Krystl’s Flickr set, as she was there. Drew definitely racked up some cool points for this, and he’s starting to be quite the regular on GeekyTattoos. Can’t wait to see what he gets next!

Image via Drew’s Flickr

Posted in Internet, Tattoos.

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Duck Hunt Tattoo

Duck Hunt Tattoo

I love Duck Hunt just as much as anyone, but isn’t tattooing the snickering dog on you equivalent to putting a big red target on your skin? I mean I know I’m not the only one that shot the dog, or at least tried repeatedly, hoping for that one time where it would actually work and he would fall into the bushes and I’d be allowed to shoot ducks in peace. Unfortunately I’ve got no info on this one, no owner, artist, or story. But I felt it was worth sharing anyways. via geekstir (Thanks Reed!)

This isn’t the only Duck Hunt tattoo out there though. I came across this great pixelated pair of ducks on Flickr too:

Duck Hunt Shoulder Tattoo

Again, sadly no info other than it appears to be done by a “Jason” in Minneapolis, MN.

UPDATE: Amber Grace dropped a comment to let us know that she’s the proud owner of the pixelated ducks and that it was indeed a Jason that inked it.  Jason Helgerson at Tattoo Asylum in Spring Lake Park, MN.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Ed’s WordPress Tattoo

Wordpress Tattoo - Full Res

Some people are serious bloggers, so much so that they get tattoos that represent their love of blogging. Violet Blue has her ankle tattoo with a platform independent “blogger” stamp, but Ed Marita from Hawaii knows what he loves to blog with. Ed has a tattoo of the popular (it’s what we use) blogging platform, WordPress stamped over a circuit board on his forearm. After making sure he had the right WordPress logo and not one of the fakes floating around, and putting up a poll to determine the location of the ink, he went over to TNT Tattoo in Hawaii and Kevin made it permanent. To add to the geekiness, Ed checked in at the tattoo shop on Brightkite and even twittered the whole process live. For more of his story and more photos, check out his post.

Wordpress Tattoo

Posted in Internet, Logos, Tattoos.

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Windows Server NT Tribal Band

NT Server Tattoo

Want a tribal band with a bit of a geek flavor? Adam did, and he used the NT Server tribal image as inspiration for his ink. It’s very subtle geek, but I’m sure it gets the occasional “hey, that looks familiar….”

NT Server TattooNT Server Tattoo

Posted in Computers, Tattoos.

Your Twitter Name on Drew’s Arm

Drew with @GeekyTattoos Twitter Tattoo

Always longed to see your name tattooed on someone else’s skin? Lamenting that you’ll be spending another Valentine’s Day alone? Sorry, all we can offer is a free copy of Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” and wish you good luck in your endeavors.

However, if you’ve always wanted your Twitter name tattooed on a stranger’s arm, then you are in luck! Drew Olanoff (we posted about his tattoos awhile back) is auctioning off some skin-space on his arm. He writes:

Starting now, if you’d like me to permanently tattoo your twitter @ name on my left forearm, place a bid to @drew on twitter and use the hashtag #twittertattoo so I can track it. Highest bid wins and the proceeds go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. You donate directly to them, send me the receipt and off I go for the tattoo.

So it’s as simple as donating to a worthy cause and your name will be permanently inked into Drew’s arm. The only rule is that it has to be an established Twitter account. Oh, and you have until the end of the day on Monday, February 16th to get your bids in.

Posted in Internet, Tattoos.

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Ocarina of Time Navi Tattoo

Navi Tattoo Closeup

Kristen writes in to share her Navi tattoo. For those of you that aren’t fans of Link and his adventures, Navi is a little fairy that helps guide Link in Ocarina of Time. Kristen writes:

I’m in college now with no major and no idea about what I’ll do when I graduate. I thought having Navi around might help with some directional challenges I’ve been having.

Kristen's Navi Tattoo

Here’s hoping she does more than just yell in your ear for you! :)

Inked by Drew at Bluebird Tattoo

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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