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Kachirho Tattoo

Daniel writes in to share his Star Wars tattoo:

I’ve loved Star Wars since as far back as I can remember, in high school Star Wars was never just some sci-fi movie mentioned in passing for my friends and I. I was the largest guy in our group, and was the only one of us that started shaving before his freshman year of high school, so I was affectionately nicknamed “the Wookiee”, though I have no idea why. I’ve wanted a Star Wars tat for a while, besides geeky tats being some of the best tattoos ever sported, Star Wars always reminds me of bringing my best friends together and it still brings us together to this day. This tattoo is the emblem of the Kachirho Clan of Wookiees, it is featured in Episode III briefly, worn on the armour of Tarfful. It represents every fond memory that has ever been made surrounding the title saga and also maintains a very unique nature being that most people wouldn’t recognize this image even if they knew it was from Star Wars.

Thanks Daniel!

Posted in Movies, Tattoos.

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Batman (and Joker) Tattoos

I recently stumbled across BatmanTattoos, a blog dedicated to Batman related tattoos. Not surprisingly a large number of the pieces are the Joker (mostly the Heath Ledger version), but there are also some good pieces of Batman, Robin, Catwoman, and more. And one of my personal favorites is below:

Posted in Comics, Movies, Tattoos.

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You Know We Roll 20s: The Best Dice Tattoos

I know there are some paper and pencil using, dice-throwing, old school RPG readers out there who will get a kick out of these dice tattoos. Here’s a collection of the best dice tattoos that I could find. If you’ve got your own dice (more than 6 sides please) tattoo, or know someone that does, send it in.

Posted in Tattoos.

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The Aftermath of a Laser Engraved “Tattoo”

Tetranitrate got ahold of us and sent along some pictures of the laser engravings he did on his skin. These were taken 3 days after the initial procedure, and he says that the scars are now “just faintly visible”. The pics aren’t for the super squeamish due to their “gnarly, infectious, puss-oozing look”.

Click through if you really want to see the photos

Posted in Logos, Tattoos, Video Games.

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Taking a Break for the Holidays

Just wanted to let you guys all know that I’ll be taking a break from posting over the holidays. Posting frequency will be reduced as I travel back and forth across the country. Regardless of what you are or aren’t celebrating this month, we hope it’s a good one!

Posted in Tattoos.

The Incredible Hulk and Robert Bruce Banner Tattoo

Eric McFee is the proud owner of this beautifully done splash page of the Incredible Hulk (as drawn by Dale Keown) on his arm. He’s a little bit of a fan of Hulk, having several hundred issues, trades, hardcovers, t-shirts and more and has been following Mr. Banner for many years. It’s not his only tattoo though, as he has about a dozen. This one was done by Hell*n at Skullduggery Tatu in Belfast, which is in Northern Ireland.

Photo by Carrie Davenport

Posted in Comics, Tattoos.

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Bassoon Leg Tattoo

In high school I was unfortunately not a band geek, but I was a band geek groupie since all my friends were in the band. Had I been a band geek, maybe I would have found a musical instrument I loved and then I could have gotten it tattooed on me. Alas, I made it through about 6 guitar lessons, 2 piano lessons, and am told pots and pans don’t count as drums.

However, Matthew S. found his instrument, the bassoon. He was a bassoon major in college and still plays for fun. He got the bassoon keywork tattooed on the back of his leg by John at The Chameleon in Cambridge, MA. It’s an really nice way to represent the instrument without a normal photo realistic version. And apparently I wouldn’t be the first who didn’t know what it was upon first glance. Apparently only other bassoon players are in the know.


Posted in Tattoos.

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Jedi Mario Tattoo

Geeks sometimes have two geeky things they love and can’t decide which one to get tattooed. One option is to get both, duh. But an even better way to fix this dilemma is to figure out a way to combine the two things into one tattoo. Shannon, the wife of a Star Wars fan club president, decided to combine her love of Star Wars and Mario. With some help from Randy Martinez on the artwork and “Chu” (aka Matt Tomlison) at Mother’s Tattoo wielding the tattoo gun, she soon had the artwork you see above. The composition of this image is great, and the coloring is beautiful! Well done to everyone involved in this amazing piece of art.

Hit the jump to see a video of the tattooing

Posted in Movies, Tattoos, Video.

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Linux vs BSD

The shirt says linux, but the tattoos say both. Tux on his right arm, and Beastie on his left. Which one is it Joey?


Posted in Computers, Tattoos.

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Top 5 Cupcake Tattoos

You may have missed the second CupcakeCamp last weekend here in San Francisco that was modeled after the geeky Web 2.0 BarCamps, but that’s no reason you can’t celebrate cupcakes all the time! If you haven’t noticed, the cupcake craze has taken over. They’re everywhere, on blogs, websites, in your mouth, and maybe even a dedicated cupcake bakery in your town! And if there’s something awesome, there’s bound to be someone with a tattoo of it. So we’ve assembled the top 5 (in no particular order) cupcake tattoos we’ve found. Enjoy!

Sacred Cupcake

This first one is just plain fantastic! It’s on the chest of Robin, who is studying Baking and Patisserie at the Texas Culinary Academy. She also keeps a blog over at Dolce Cakes. Her “Sacred Cupcake” was inked by Matt Lukesh at Seppuku Tattoo.
via Dolce Cakes

Cupcake Stomach

It wouldn’t be right to not include the amazing Twinkie Chan. She’s a San Francisco resident with a talent for crocheting remarkable food related items. You should check out her store if you like cupcake scarves, cookie mittens, or T-Bone purses. She has bright and colorful tattoos that include many food items, but the most appropriate one to point out is the pair of cupcakes on her stomach. These were done by Holly Ellis who tattoos out of the Idle Hand Tattoo Studio in San Francisco. If you want to know more about the lovely Twinkie Chan, you should check out the in-depth article about her on Inked which happens to be where the above image is from. I wish I could find a closer photo to show off the awesomeness.

Good and Evil Cupcakes

Next up is a pair of good and evil tattoos on the feet of Alicia M. She says she got these tattoos on her feet to remind her to stay young at heart and to symbolize the balance of good and evil within herself, but adds “and I have a thing for cupcakes”. Amanda Cancilla was the artist who inked these tasty treats while working out of Artistic Skin Designs, but if you want her to ink some deliciousness on your skin you’ll have to travel to Bend, Oregon to catch her at Oxygen Tattoo now. Personally I think all cupcakes are evil because there’s no way something can be as delicious as they are without making some sort of deal with the devil.
via Alicia’s Flickr

Unicorns Love Cupcakes

I saw this one and knew there’s just no way I couldn’t include it. I mean c’mon, it’s a unicorn, pissing a f-ing rainbow on a cupcake! If that’s not just plain awesome, I don’t know what is. Marilyn mentions that it was a very impulsive choice, but we all know you can’t go wrong with unicorns, rainbows and cupcakes. No idea who she talked into doing this one for her.
via Flickr

Cupcake + Dagger + Snake

Trish describes her tattoo as such: “it’s a cupcake – with a dagger thru it – and a snake”. Yes, yes it is Trish. It’s also one of our favorite cupcake tattoos. After slogging through pages upon pages of just plain old cupcakes, this one has a nice twist of old school tattoo charm with new school cupcake fetish. Inked by Jenny B at Adrenaline in New Jersey.
via Flickr


There you go, top 5 cupcake tattoos in our opinion. Don’t agree? Got one that’s better? Drop a comment. But before we go we want to throw an honorable mention to Molly. What she lacks in color and creativity, she more than makes up for in placement.

Posted in Internet Memes, Tattoos.

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