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The True Measure of a Geek

Mikey Sklar never has to stop and look for a ruler. I’m jealous. He says he uses this tattoo every day as he and his girlfriend are building a unique hotel (Holy Scrap Hot Springs) out of reused materials in Truth or Consequences, NM. He’s also a long time geek who dabbles in electronics, code, and even a bit of fire art. He made an RFID secured fire trampoline a couple years back. His tattoo was featured in Inked: Clever, Odd and Outragous Tattoos

Close-up after the jump

Posted in Tattoos.

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The Bad Guys from Super Mario

What is it about girls and the “bad guys”? Liz sends in her Mario “Bad Dudes” sleeve for your approval. Pretty awesome in my opinion. It has all the usual suspects: Bullet Bill, Goombas, a Piranha Plant, Boo, a Spiny, and a Koopa Troopa Paratrooper. This wonderfully stylized piece was done by Kevin Starai who instantly gets cool points for including a copy of Space Invaders on his tattoo page.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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What’s on your mind.. err back?

Steph sends in her simple, yet creative tattoo. She’s a word geek who does French to English translation and photography. Her tattoo is a thought bubble on her shoulder blade that she invites people to write/draw in. She’s got a Flickr set of the “safe for mom & dad” results of these invitations, but these are some of my favorites. A really clever way to turn your tattoo into something interactive.

Posted in Tattoos.

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Joe Tech is Versatile!

We found Joe Tech’s geek tattoos via a blog post on his site. Joe is a self-proclaimed geek from Phoenix who loves computers. He first got a parallel port tattoo on his back 3 years ago. Perhaps realizing that his interface was increasingly becoming more and more out of date, he upgraded to a few new ports. Americana Tattoo added two Firewire ports (with the logo to identify them) as well as a bar code that reads “Joe” above them all. And yes, the bar code is standard and should be able to be scanned.

Posted in Computers, Tattoos.

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Stolen Hearts

Most of the time the common reaction to a geek tattoo is “wow!”. But every now and then there’s one that makes you say “awwww…” instead. The owner of this tattoo, JR, and his wife are huge geeks. She’s a hardcore NES player and still loves the old school 8-bit and 16-bit console games. She mentioned to JR (before they were even dating!) that she wanted to get an 8-bit heart tattooed on her. JR, being the fool that only love can make you, stole the idea and got it done over his lunch break one day. Rightfully so, the missus was not too pleased, but eventually forgave him and now they’re married. And someday JR says he’ll tell his kid that he stole their mother’s heart and he wears it on his sleeve.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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Illegal Tattoos: AACS Encryption Key

It’s time for another entry in our series “Illegal Tattoos”! This time it’s a 128bit number that the AACS LA doesn’t want you to distribute. Why is this number so important? This hexadecimal number was at one time the key to unlock part of the encryption that HD-DVD movies were protected with. When it was first posted to the Web, DMCA notices were filed to try to pull it down before it spread. But anyone familiar with the internet knows it’s virtually impossible to suppress information if people want to share it. The efforts to spread this so called “illegal number” were quite varied, and Rich, a strong advocate of free information, took it one step further than the images, riddles, and media files. He got it inked on his chest. Try to scrub that one AACS LA!

They’ve since changed the encryption key, but it was repeatedly broken until HD-DVD was basically declared a dead format. It doesn’t look like Rich keep his chest “updated” to be compatible with the later released discs though. If you want the full story on the AACS encryption key debacle, wikipedia has a write up with multiple references.

Tattoo by Good Faith Tattoos in Boston, MA.

Posted in Movies, Tattoos.

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Scuffy hearts Pi

Pi tattoos are pretty common amongst physics and math geeks and they’re usually the symbol or a string of digits. Scuffy took the typical string of digits but did something awesome and original with it. Well done!

She says she got this done for her 25th birthday and that it is her favorite of all ten tattoos on her body. A lot of people have asked her why it was only 46 digits. Her answer, “because that is what fit”. Another fun fact is that it is not in a font, but rather in the handwriting of a girl she was dating at the time.

Tattoo is by Steve at Art Freek tattoo in Providence, RI

Posted in Math, Tattoos.

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Illegal Tattoos: RSA Tattoos

For those that aren’t cryptography geeks, the above tattoo is an implementation of RSA encryption and decryption in perl. RSA is a handy way to encrypt something so prying eyes can’t see your porn important free-speech writings. Back in the early 1990’s some cryptography software was illegal to export out of the US due to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). If encryption software used more than 40bits, it was classified as munitions (along with chemical and biological weapons and other military technology). If you were poking around on the web in those days, you might remember Netscape having both a US and an International version of their browser. The US version used 128bits to encrypt SSL transactions (like credit cards) whereas the International version only used 40bits, conforming to the regulations.

Pointing out the obvious ridiculousness of the enforcement of these restrictions, the incredibly short perl code above was passed around, printed on shirts, and tattooed on people. Technically you would be breaking the law if you walked down a US street displaying this code (on a shirt or skin) and a foreign citizen observed it. Pretty crazy, eh?

Luckily these restrictions were declared unconstitutional in 1996, and these tattoos are no longer munitions, but rather reminders of the government overstepping its boundaries.

These tattoos are on the following individuals:
— Richard White has the tattoo on his forearm.
— Cancer Omega has the tattoo on his chest.
— James Melvin has the tattoo on his arm.

images and more info via

Posted in Code, Computers.

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Dance Dance Revolution Tattoo

Even though I don’t play Dance Dance Revolution, it is still near and dear to my heart thanks to my involvement in Dance Dance Immolation. Here’s a nice subtle nod to the arrows that must be ingrained in all the minds of DDR players around the world. Kitty got it after spending 5 years in the DDR scene, having gotten started in 2003.


Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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