Alex writes:
My name is Alex and this is the latest tattoo I have gotten. It’s my fourth one, and so far my favorite one. I always loved carbon atoms, probably because they make up most of everyone I love, and I wanted something to show my love of science. I added the element of the cats eye nebula because of my want for a more original visual that would help the colors pop out far more. I got the tattoo done at Energy Tattoo by Derek Harrison.
Posted in Chemistry, Science, Space, Tattoos.
Tagged with arm, atom, carbon, Derek Harrison, Energy Tattoo, nebula, space.
By Ed
– December 8, 2011
Adam Pritchard writes
I’m a distance runner and also live in the mountains. In January I broke my femur (quick German lesson: femur is “Oberschenkenknochen”) in HALF while snowboarding. It almost took my passion of running away from me! Fortunately, a caring surgeon implanted a 2 foot long Titanium rod into my femur that helped it fuse together and gave me my running back!
Where my geekiness comes in is that I realized that Titanium’s periodic number is 22 and I broke the femur at age 22! So, yesterday I got this minimalist period symbol for Titanium stamped on my quad! Titanium has the lowest weight to strength ratio of all the metals so it’s light and strong, just like I try to run my races!
Would it surprise you to know that Adam works at Salt Lake Running Company? Yeah, he’s pretty serious about this running thing, it’s not just a periodic thing.
Posted in Science, Tattoos.
Tagged with element, periodic table, thigh.
By Ed
– December 7, 2011
Sometimes people send in geeky tattoos that I’m embarrassed to admit go beyond my level of nerdery. Yes, I have to consult wikipedia every now and then to see what the hell they’ve gotten inked on their skin. But this time I totally know what Pat is talking about when he sent in his circle of fifths tattoo!
You may ask, “Ed, how do you know that? You don’t play any instruments!” You would be correct, however my wife plays the accordion, a most wonderfully geeky instrument, and she’s explained this circle of fifths thing to me since the buttons on an accordion are arranged in previously mentioned circle. Booyeah! Oh, and if she wasn’t awesome enough already, she’s learned to play the Star Trek intro on the accordion.
But enough about her, here’s the info Pat sent in along with his tattoo:
Name: Pat
Artist/shop: JayDee at Artistic Skin Design in Noblesville, IN
Why I got the tattoo: I’m an aspiring musician with several music-related tattoos already, but decided to get my circle of fifths tattoo to show my appreciation of music theory. The circle of fifths is essentially the backbone of all tonally-structured music, whether or not it is a pun that it is along MY backbone is for me to know and the rest of the world to guess.
Twitter: @patplaysbass
Band website:
Posted in music, Tattoos.
Tagged with Artistic Skin Design, back, circle of fifths, JayDee, music theory.
By Ed
– December 6, 2011
“Is that dopamine on your leg or are you just… happy?”
The owner of the geeky chemistry tattoo, Chelsey, explains:
This tattoo is of two very important molecules in your body: dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is on the top and serotonin is on the bottom. Dopamine is mostly in your brain and when it is increased, it makes you happy. Serotonin also makes you happy but is found mostly in your gut. I like this tattoo because it perfect portrays a cross between hard science and philosophy (hence the combatting molecules of mind and body, comparing that with Descartes’ mind/body dualism). I am a psychology major with a minor in biology and chemistry.
Posted in Biology, Chemistry, Science, Tattoos.
Tagged with chemistry, dopamine, leg, molecules, neurotransmitter, serotonin.
By Ed
– December 5, 2011
Want to know how I feel when people send me tattoos without any information? I’m looking at you Jason…
How to submit your Geeky Tattoo
Posted in Internet, Internet Memes.
By Ed
– December 4, 2011
Name: Cara
Where: Depot Town Tattoo in Ypsilanti, MI
Why: I got the tattoo as a memorial for a friend that passed away. He introduced me to the world of comics and his favorite was Superman. The banner says: You will make my strength your own. It’s a quote from the first Superman movie with Christopher Reeve.
Posted in Comics, Tattoos.
Tagged with Depot Town Tattoo, shoulder, superman.
By Ed
– December 4, 2011
Adam writes:
My name’s Adam and this is my very first tattoo, which I got @ Lady Luck Tattoo from my friend, Mrs. Brynn. It’s my way of saying thanks to Carl Sagan and all of NASA. The banner reads, “Per Aspera Ad Astra” which is Latin for through hardship to the stars.
Great choice for a first tattoo Adam! And incredibly well done!
Posted in Science, Space, Tattoos.
Tagged with chest, Lady Luck Tattoo, latin, Mrs. Brynn, NASA, Voyager.
By Ed
– December 3, 2011
Kelly sent in her Super Mario tattoo, explaining that she got it for two simple reasons: it was her childhood and it makes her smile. I think she secretly was trying to turn into an invincible, fire throwing plumber with an extra life but then her tattoo artist at Aloha Monkey decided to throw in the Poison Mushroom to make sure she didn’t get too powerful.
Posted in Super Mario Brothers, Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with 1-up, Aloha Monkey, Fire Flower, Poison Mushroom, ribs, side, star, Super Mario Brothers.
By Ed
– December 2, 2011
Steve says:
Geoff Johns made a lifelong Marvel fan a DC man, but it would be remiss of me not to say Ethan Van Sciver is responsible for this as well.
For the uninitiated, here’s some more info on the Emotional Spectrum. (It’s a Green Lantern thing)
Posted in Comics, Tattoos.
Tagged with Blue Lantern, Green Lantern, Indigo Tribe, Orange Lantern, Red Lantern, Star Sapphires, White Lantern.
By Ed
– December 1, 2011

Name: Stevie McHaggis
Why: I’ve been a gamer for most of my life and also a fan of old school style tattoos. But wanted something a little more personal than the usual Swallows on my chest. So decided to combine the gaming and old school tattoo interests and came up with the Duck Hunt idea. Currently toying with the idea of getting the dog as a rib piece too!
Twitter: @McHaggisDJ
Tattoo by Steph Stokes @ Firefly Tattoo Studio – Ibstock – Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with chest, Duck Hunt, Firefly Tattoo Studio, Nintendo, Steph Stokes.
By Ed
– November 30, 2011
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