“ChubRock” writes:
I got it done at Forever Tattoo in Sacramento, California over 2 years ago. I got this tattoo because ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved star wars and its a incredibly large part of who I am, for me the battle between good and evil is so well preserved and told so well in the original trilogy. The reason i have the rebels underneath the empire because it represents the empires weight over the rebels.
Posted in Movies, Star Wars, Tattoos.
Tagged with Empire, Forever Tattos, Rebels, Star Wars.
By Ed
– October 12, 2011
Alex Rohde writes:
My name is Alex Rohde, and I got my tattoo done at the Clandestine Rabbit tattoo shop in Tarzana, Ca by an artist named “Nero”.
I had always wanted to get a Zelda-related tattoo since i was a little kid, and started thinking about it seriously once I turned 18. I wanted it to be thematically appropriate, so the decision was made to have it done on my left hand. The problem was that I was working in IT, and even though my bosses then (and now) are totally awesome and didn’t care, I knew I wouldn’t want ink on my skin in a place I couldn’t hide easily. That brought up the idea of a UV tattoo, the point being that once it was all healed, it would be nigh invisible. When I had my design and money ready, I did my research, and ever place I visited in my area of Los Angeles said that Nero was the guy to see. I went in, set up an appointment, and got it done. It’s been just over 13 months since, and although I could have been more diligent with the vitamin E treatments, it’s almost gone. Under a blacklight, it’s awesome, far clearer than my pic suggests. The kanji at the top essentially translates to “power”, and represents Ganondorf, my favorite villain of any game series ever.
Triforce Tuesday is the result of everybody sending in triforce related tattoos. They’re popular and I want to showcase some of the better ones. If you’ve got a triforce related tattoo, send it in and see if you make the cut for Triforce Tuesday.
Posted in Tattoos.
Tagged with Clandestine Rabbit, hand, Nero, Triforce, Triforce Tuesday, ultraviolet, UV.
By Ed
– October 11, 2011
Felipe writes:
Hello, my name is Felipe (I’m Brazilian)
I would like to share these two tattos with the site.
I hope you enjoy.
The first is on the left arm. (supermario) that reminds my childhood and second is on the right arm ,(Keyblade, Kingdom Hearts) I adore the game. Sorry for my english and the quality of the photos. (google translator is wonderful) lol thanks
Posted in Super Mario Brothers, Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with arm, Keyblade, Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario World.
By Ed
– October 10, 2011
Erika writes:
Hello! The name is Erika J. Simpson, and I have the outline of the Tardis on my left inner ankle. I got it done at Infamous Ink in Chicago and I can’t remember his name at all. But he was awesome. I got to hear the story of how he lost his virginity while I got the tattoo done! I’m obsessed with time travel and Doctor Who so I thought I’d get married to my love this way. People always want some deep thought provoking answer on why this is here, but mostly is because Doctor Who is the sh*t. I wanted to step outside of the realm of getting the blue box tattoo’d on me, so I went with a simple outline of it. Hope you like the simplicity!
Posted in Doctor Who, Tattoos, TV.
Tagged with ankle, Doctor Who, Infamous Ink, TARDIS.
By Ed
– October 9, 2011
Josh writes:
My name is Josh from New York. I just got back from a trip to San Francisco where I got this incredible Scott Pilgrim tattoo from Karina at One Shot Tattoo
I was admittedly late to the Scott Pilgrim party, but as soon as I started reading I couldn’t put it down. The tattoo itself is a custom composition of my own, putting together a few Scott/Ramona panels.
Posted in Comics, Tattoos.
Tagged with arm, Karina, One Shot Tattoo, Scott Pilgrim.
By Ed
– October 8, 2011
Stan writes:
About a year ago, My wife got the Razer logo tattooed on her wrist. It was done in one of her co worker’s kitchens (against my advice) but it turned out well. I married a pretty hardcore geek.
Posted in Gadgets, Tattoos.
Tagged with cellphone, Razer, wrist.
By Ed
– October 7, 2011
Kelley writes:
i got the tattoo done in my bedroom because my husband is a tattoo artist,i got the tat because i’m a lifelong trekkie and think the Borg are the best bad guys of all time.
Posted in Star Trek, Tattoos, TV.
Tagged with Borg, neck, Star Trek.
By Ed
– October 6, 2011
Mary writes:
I had wanted this tattoo for a couple of years now. The mario boot suit is my absolute favorite suit in the Super Mario Bros. 3 game and I had always wanted it on my leg. To me it feels like I AM the boot and i can jump on anything in this world. ^^ I looked online to see if anyone else had it, but I didnt find anyone with it, so it was just another plus for me. ^^ I plan on getting more tats but for now, this is my favorite!:D Im proud to finally be officially branded a geek! ^^
I got my tattoo done at Buena Suerte Tattoos and done by Ceci. Here is the link to their myspace page.
Posted in Super Mario Brothers, Tattoos, Video Games.
Tagged with ankle, boot, Buena Suerte Tattoos, Ceci, Mario, Super Mario Brothers.
By Ed
– October 5, 2011
William writes:
Just found your website and was impressed with all the great geeky tattoos people got. I thought I would submit mine as well.
Its (as you most likely could guess) a xkcd one :).
Its a tribute to the comic and a tribute to simple down to earth love.
I mean the picture displays love without being overly cliche or sugar sweet romantic. Exactly the way I like to handle the whole topic.
Take care and keep the site running ! :D
William Norris
Denmark / Ireland
Posted in Comics, Internet, Tattoos.
Tagged with forearm, xkcd.
By Ed
– October 4, 2011
David writes:
This is my first (and as yet, only) tattoo.
It’s a note on my foot.
I’ve had it since July, and it makes me happy every morning when I put my socks on, and every evening when I take them off. I hope it never stops amusing me.
I’m an English undergraduate, and I’d like to think this will remind me of what I love. (Not the Latin, the literature. And the fact that everything is better with footnotes.)
I had it done at New Skool Tattoos, near my home in Surrey, UK.
I wish I could remember the name of the artist, but I was in and out in less than fifteen minutes. She liked the joke though.
I pretty much base my judgement of new people I meet on whether they get it or not.
Also, toes hurt. But it was so worth it.
For those that are wondering: Nota bene
Posted in Tattoos, Writing.
Tagged with latin, New Skool Tattoos, toe.
By Ed
– October 3, 2011
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