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Scuffy hearts Pi

Pi tattoos are pretty common amongst physics and math geeks and they’re usually the symbol or a string of digits. Scuffy took the typical string of digits but did something awesome and original with it. Well done!

She says she got this done for her 25th birthday and that it is her favorite of all ten tattoos on her body. A lot of people have asked her why it was only 46 digits. Her answer, “because that is what fit”. Another fun fact is that it is not in a font, but rather in the handwriting of a girl she was dating at the time.

Tattoo is by Steve at Art Freek tattoo in Providence, RI

Posted in Math, Tattoos.

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11 Responses

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  1. Miss Sarcasm and her Merry Band says

    Words cannot describe how stupid that tattoo is.

    No wait, yes they can.

    That’s stupid.

  2. Larry's Blue Ey says

    I do not even know why the hell you would even think of doing a tattoo like that- the numbers sure in the hell do not mean anything, for two the tattoo is way to big and for three it does not look good on you- it would not look good on anybody. I sure hope you did not even pay a dime for that tattoo because it is SO STUPID AND POINTLESS- I also bet you that was your very first tattoo that you even had done. Your first one you will have to really think on- and know you would want it for the rest of your life- before you got that ugly looking thing maybe you should have looked at a picture of it for a while and think "is this something I would really want to live with, to look at everyday" THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING YOU COULD EVER DO TO YOURSELF AND FOR A COVER UP IT WOULD HAVE TO BE TWICE THAT SIZE. ALL I KNOW IS YOU DID NOT USE YOUR BRAIN WHEN IT CAME TO YOU GETTING YOUR TATTOO DONE.

    • William Cobb says

      :| "The numbers sure in the hell do not mean anything" How do you know what Pi means to her? Pi is a very scientific number but it is also used as a metaphor for lots of things in life. Pi is also a mysterious sequence due too the amount of things that are connected to it. Pi is an irrational number that doesn't make any sense but it is there. Personally, my first tattoo is going to be Pi for a couple reasons A) I was born on Pi Day 3rd month 14th day B) Pi is a great repersentation that life isn't about being ordered but that several things are random and irrational. Life is about the mysterious and the strange.

      I'm also getting infinite signs somewhere. ∞

      • LCV says

        *due to……not "due too" which means "owed also."

    • LCV says

      *too big not "to big" (use your brain)

  3. EricaAnnihilate says

    I think it's cool, and to the idiot above, you apparently cannot read. She has already had 9 other tattoos, so she knows what the hell she is doing. This tattoo is a very unique way to show a common symbol, bravo.

  4. Bauble says

    Love it!

  5. bob says

    I dig it!

  6. maverick says

    we will never know how long is pi
    we will never know how deep is love

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Happy Pi Day! [Tattoos] linked to this post on March 14, 2012

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  2. Happy Pi Day! | VideoJuegos A Diario linked to this post on March 14, 2012

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