Comic book based tattoos are decidely geeky, and there’s certainly no shortage of Wolverine tattoos, but for the love of adamantium, could someone please fill us in on this one? There’s got to be a good story behind it.
UPDATE: The artist of this tattoo is Chris Yoakum out of Urban Body. Apparently the story is:
He got this tattoo for his sister who died. They used to play with their toys together as kids. Ok so she didn’t die, she just went to study abroad for a year. Either way the best part is he has Magneto on the other side.
Two more shots from Chris’s portfolio:
If only it were on his ass
simply amazing
What a Stong man!
Beat me to it!@#!@#@#
lmao “I rock that 2”
I love Logan and my friend loves pony’s, with our powers combined you are captain planet!
Haha. This is great.
I peed in a cat once.
lol I once told a friend that i would pay for him to get a tattoo of a care bear riding a my lil pony wonder if this person overheard the bet and changed it to suite there wants
Holy effing hell; he’ll have a hell of a time explaining that thing when he’s 72.
fucking homo
dude, ithat s it gay
this tat sucks ass
omg thats sooo lush my 2 fave cartoons mutated into 1 love it !!!
He is either gay or very very secure in his sexuality.
epic fail
mt gf has the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse riding my little ponies on her upper arm
That's pretty damn awesome. Does Death have a My Little Pony skeleton?
funny but ugly
Its like ‘ I have a wolverine riding a my little pony… your argument is invalid’
Probably what happed is he was drunk and got my little pony. Then latter added Wolverine to de-gay-ify it.
What is their to explain? That’s a freaking awesome Tattoo!
NO. NO. Wolverine should not be exposed to that, DAMN YOU
I would NEVER show that to ANYONE…. How humilating
that is so weried
SHOPPED! That is shopped! It’s photoshoped! I can tell! Because of the pixels! They don’t lie, no siree! And! And the shadows. Yep. The pixels and the shadows. That’s how you can tell! It’s definitely shopped. Oh this thing is SO shopped. I know, I can tell, cause I’m shopped. Trust me, this comment section is probably all shopped too. SHOPPED!
I would ROCK that tattoo, like a rocking horse XD
I cant believe how stupid tattoos people take. Tsk.
That is, beyond a doubt, the most OUT-FSCKING-STANDING tat I’ve ever seen. I’d go get one just like it if it would make me feel like a douche for copying someone else’s ink.
with that pose, wolverine is bound to fall off! *gasp*
More like “wolverine riding my HUGE pony”. look at that thing!
Hi Im Chris Yoakum. I did this tattoo so Im going to plug myself as I see my 15 minutes of fame is waning. , I work at Urban-Body in Davis CA.
He got this tattoo for his sister who died. They used to play with their toys together as kids. Ok so she didn’t die, she just went to study abroad for a year. Either way the best part is he has Magneto on the other side. I will pester him for a pic of that. Thanks for all the good feedback. Later
hakaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii shopped fo sho niggr
Thats amazing. A good tattoo is something that is unique to you.
Absolutely freakin’ awesome. I am left speechless. Love the story behind it. I’m thinking about studying abroad just to pressure MY brother into getting a tat like this!
Props to the artist and the dude sporting it. You got some balls my friend, and a fabulous sense of humour! My Little Pony ROCKS!!!
Oh yes. I can see the alcohol bubbles floating above Wolverine’s head. Lol!
Drunk, bet, my little pony, sober, Holy F-ing fuck, make it at least a bit cooler?, tattoo wolverine over it.
Dude, that is so full of win! Right-freakin’-on!
What a stupid thing to permanently tattoo on your body.
how can he disgrace wolvie like that
i agree with scott…
check my works in here
Insert "your argument is invalid" joke here.
"He's got magneto on the other side." I wonder what Magneto is riding then…. The carebear cloud wagon?
best one amazing.
colour nice so amazing