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Triforce Tuesday: Brandon’s Shoulder Triforce

Name: Brandon
Shop: Affinity Body Art
Artist: Crazy Dave
Story: Some of my earliest memories involve sitting down at my Grandparents house, hooking up my Aunt’s Nintendo, and doing battle with an array of creatures as Link in “The Legend of Zelda” – in effort to recapture my childhood, it seemed only fitting that I pay homage to the series that kept me entertained and my imagination captivated for years. And after saving Hyrule for the 1,000th time, I figured it was only appropriate that I assume my role as the “Hero of Time.”

Triforce Tuesday is the result of everybody sending in triforce related tattoos. They’re popular and I want to showcase some of the better ones. If you’ve got a triforce related tattoo, send it in and see if you make the cut for Triforce Tuesday.

Posted in Legend of Zelda, Tattoos, Video Games.

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