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Angela’s Beautiful Atari Tattoo

Wow, it’s not often you see a geeky tattoo turned into something as nice as this one. I love the subtlety of the Atari logo almost hidden in this piece on Angela. If you weren’t a geek growing up in the late 70s/ early 80s, you might just miss it! You can see the various stages of it being inked over on her Flickr.

Tattoo done by Laughing Buddha in Seattle, WA

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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5 Responses

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  1. Miss Sarcasm and her Merry Band says

    Atari? Is that because it’s “retro”?

    Christ on a bike.

  2. evilangela says

    Yeah, odds are this response will never be seen, but I have to mention it anyway:

    It has nothing to do with being “retro” or anything like that. It has to do with the fact that I am very much the gamer, and even work in the gaming industry. And it all started with my parents buying an Atari VCS when I was little. So it’s a nod to my roots and my career in one – I wouldn’t be who I am today with out it.

  3. heather kokomo, in says

    i catch a bunnch of shit for my atari tattoo as well! only TRU gamers understand, your tatttoo is awesome

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Tattoo Tuesday- Consoles, Controllers and Buttons Oh My! « Girl Gone Geek's Blog linked to this post on June 7, 2011

    […] Angela Stefanski  Tattoo done by Laughing Buddha in Seattle, WA [Source: Geeky Tattoos] […]

  2. Tattoo Tuesday- Consoles, Controllers and Buttons Oh My! | Girl Gone Geek linked to this post on August 21, 2011

    […] Angela Stefanski  Tattoo done by Laughing Buddha in Seattle, WA [Source: Geeky Tattoos] […]