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Tay Zonday/Chocolate Rain Tattoo

Remember Tay Zonday? Well this guy went and got himself a permanent tribute to Tay, a portrait with the text “I move away from the mic to breathe in”.

Tattoo by Travis Greenough

Posted in Internet Memes, Tattoos, Video.

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9 Responses

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  1. coffee buzz says

    i nominate Chocolate Rain as the #1 most likely song to get stuck in your read whether you like it or not

  2. CarlosBrazil says


  3. scott says

    That…is LAME.

  4. 0202020 says

    man got some balls to do that

  5. Andy says

    That is amazing. So inspired.

  6. Will says

    Some stay dry, others feel the pain.

  7. Will2 says

    what a hard ass lol

  8. zsd says

    wot a fukn clown…

    Oh NO are you gonna get that tatted aswell??!!

Continuing the Discussion

  1. 60+ OF THE BEST GEEK TATTOOS | Pulse2 Technology and Social Media News linked to this post on May 14, 2012

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